6 Wellness Things Women Over 40 Should be Wary of
Nearly 200 million women over 40 suffer from bone diseases today. 1 of 3 middle-aged women suffers from cardiovascular disease. Yet, women health remains the most underrated issue at the global level.
Health still takes the backseat for most women. They visit a doctor only when things slip out of hand.
Women usually experience menopause by mid 40s. This brings about several emotional and physical changes. Lack of communication around this biological phenomenon lets women to suffer in case of grave issues.
Further complications are caused by factors like poor diet, stressful lifestyle, and lack of physical activity and self-care habits. This is the time when women are prone to depression the most.
40s bring about a host of changes. Dealing with new challenges in parenthood and relationships, besides physiological changes make it necessary for women to take care of themselves more than they did when in 20s & 30s.
Here are six precautionary tips that women should essentially consider at this point of life -
1. Stress Management
Thanks to balancing both work and family, women at the age of forty are prime contenders of excessive stress.
Mid-life stress is a major contributor to depression, hypertension, and rapid ageing. It becomes all the more vital that women take precautions and a few steps to alleviate stress.
The first step of dealing with stress is taking out some time for yourself. In a full day of serving others, it is important that you take out a few hours every week to unwind.
You can start a book, get a de-stress massage, go out for movies and fun with your friends. Practice some proven stress-busting activities, like yoga and meditation.
Another key aspect of stress management is getting adequate sleep. Sleeping for six-eight hours daily would ensure your body stays charged and ready to deal with the next day chores.
You might read these tips on every second blog not because people like to copy but these ACTUALLY work.
2. Regular Doctor Visit & Checkup
While forty is a great age to be, but like all other age groups, it comes with its own set of challenges.
Stopping of menstrual cycle reduces the estrogen production. It is important to consult a gynecologist during this time. Even though it is an entirely natural process, the onset of menopause can combine with occurrence of depression, hot flashes, lowered sex drive and fatigue.
Additionally, complications can spawn problems with breast and bone health.
By keeping your doctor in loop, and regularly going for appointments, you will be better equipped to handle this period of transition.
Regular doctor visits and checkups can even help lowering genetic risks of some diseases.
3. Cutting Back on Processed Foods
An important part of physiological wellness involves making age-appropriate dietary adjustments. Until you are middle-aged, your body can break down sugars and sodium present in processed foods.
This means that occasionally you can consume foods like energy drinks, instant noodles, and processed meat. However, after 40, it is difficult for body to properly digest these foods.
Due to hormonal changes and ageing, your digestive system slows down and it takes time to convert food to energy. Additionally, reduced oestrogen production make you more likely to put on weight.
Since processed foods are highly calorific and unhealthy, consuming them regularly can put you at serious risk of obesity, which is fast a growing lifestyle issue among people of all ages. Nearly 38% of adults are suffering from Obesity in the US today.
By switching to low-calorie, nutritious and healthy diet, you will be better equipped to deal with age related ailments.
4. The Right Vitamin Intake
The primary reason poor bone health affects millions of women over the age of 40 is due to poor nutrition practices. After menopause, the calcium production in the body slows down.
When combined by poor dietary habits, the bones and teeth of women can weaken greatly.
Here, ‘poor dietary habits’ does not mean eating a lot of junk food. Even women, who eat healthy, home-cooked meals, are at a risk of vitamin deficiencies.
Unfortunately, most meals do not contain adequate amounts of Calcium, Vitamin D, Iron, Omega 3, B12—the nutrients that women need the most at this time.
One option is to consult a doctor and include right additives that you need. Refrain from picking cheap supplements that do more harm than good. Other option is to have whole foods like papaya, fish, almonds, kale, pomegranate, and spinach.
These foods are naturally high in Vitamins B12 and D, and fish contains Omega 3. Taking these vitamins will ward deficiencies and diseases too.
5. Regular and Correct Exercise
Intuitively, exercising is key to maintaining good health at any age. This means that regular exercise is a key part of good health, as you grow old. There are a number of proven benefits of exercise.
It can help you maintain the right weight, cope with stress, help in pain management and even improve mental health.
Yet, exercising at forty is slightly different. Some aspects need a bit of caution. The ideal work out should be 20-25 minutes long and include both cardio and strength training. Do not go beyond that.
At this time, the body’s regenerative capacity decreases. This means that after the workout, you will take more time to heal. Over time, this can actually be negative than positive so you must not stress while exercising.
Instead, take up light to moderate exercises such as swimming and walking. These low-intensity workouts do not put too much pressure on your joints and muscles, while still offering all the benefits of exercise.
6. Keeping Your Friends and Family Close
A mid-life crisis is most debilitating when you suffer through it alone. As you transit to this stage of your life, the changes in your appearance and body can intimidate you and affect personal wellness.
For women, it is more important than ever to maintain constructive relationships in their life. Be it their partners, children, friends or all of these. Find ways to maintain social relationships. By spending quality time with them, you can forge meaningful and supportive relationships.
These small acts will go a long way in increasing your overall happiness, which is the most important wellness element at any age.
Final Words -
For a woman, growing older is often stigmatized through different cultures. Yet, as with all ages, there is magic and adventure as you turn 40.
To enjoy these years to the fullest, take these wellness precautions. Leave the rest to shape on its own. I am sure it will be pleasant through the rest of your life.

Jenny Travens -
Jenny is a creative blog writer who has many passions and interests. Health and wellness is one area where she likes to contribute as much as she can.
Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist