Breast enlargement - Breast Augmentation
What is meant by breast enlargement?
It is to increase the size of the breast naturally, or by implanting a prosthesis underneath the natural breast to help in shaping, increasing the tone, and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast, focusing on the goal of creating a pleasant, natural looking and natural feeling breast.
What is the aim of breast enlargement?
The aim of breast enlargement is to enhance self-image. If you are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small, this can be addressed. Your breasts become smaller and loss their firmness after having children. If one breast is smaller than the other in a noticeable way, this can also be addressed. Keep in mind that bigger does not always mean better. What we strive for is tight, firm and flexible.
Methods of breast enlargement: 
Natural breast enlargement.
Surgical Breast augmentation methods (mammoplasty).
1- Natural breast enlargements methods are:
a) - Breast enlargement exercise
b) - Yoga for breast enlargement
c) - Breast enlargement food
d) - Breast enlargement cream
e) - Breast enlargement pills and cosmetic products
a) - Exercise Method for breast enlargement:
Actually, this exercise does not enhance breast dimension, but the breast seems to be bigger as you build the chest muscles, and tone this muscle group. You effectively pull your breasts tighter.
Breast enlargement exercise:
1- After a shower, do a five minute breast massage by rubbing your hands together to generate heat before placing them on your breasts. Then massage by going clock wise on your left breast, and then counter-clock wise on your right side. Do 150 repetitions on each side twice daily, using high quality natural breast enhancement cream, to maximize your results.
2- Applying pressure to your chest region is a very good way to tone up the muscles that will help keep your breasts from hanging. To do that, you have to face a wall and stand with your back straight, extend your hands and press them against the wall as hard as possible repetition for ten times. You should feel the tensing of the pectoral muscles during this exercise.
3- Take your hands and join them in front of your chest. Press your palms against each other for up to five seconds and do this ten times.
4- Standup and rest your back against the wall. Squeeze the chest muscles and move your hands in an upward and outward motion, up 100 times.
5- The easiest thing to improve the breast appearance is to have good posture, check your stand and fix it, so that your shoulders held back and the back is straight.
6- Stretch your chest by bending your elbows and placing your hands on your hips. Using these exercises, you will keep your breasts firm and tight. The aim of exercises is not to enlarge the cup size, rather, build the pectoral muscles beneath the breast, making them appear bigger and firm.
7- Lie on your stomach, bend your knees with your ankles crossed. Place your hands slightly in front of shoulders, your elbows bent and tighten the abdominal muscles, slowly straighten your arms and body and push up.
8- Modified push up:
- balance yourself on your palms and knees while keeping your body aligned with your knees.
- Take your face to the floor with a straight spine.
- Keep yourself parallel to the floor by bending your elbows.
- Push up again, keeping your chest from touching the floor.
9- Butterfly press:
Using 3 – 5 Ib weights, sit on the edge of a chair, your back straight your arms at your sides, then slowly begin to raise your arms to your shoulder level. Hold for four seconds then slowly lower your arms.
Perform 5 – 7 times, three times a day.
Breast massage is a natural method of breast enlargement as well as breast health, and stimulating healthy breast growth as well as promoting firmness. It is also a perfect method to ensure breast wellness by making you aware of any kind of fibrous or lumpy mass that you may find, early in its growth.
b) - Yoga for breast enhancement:
Yoga, inhaling and exhaling is actually a complex strategy that exercises the body in three basic ways; energy-emotional, physical, as well as spiritual advantages of integration, so that you can assist people with a method of classic Hindu teaching, yoga. This can offer a strong impact in many ways to help enhance your breasts. Yoga asana can expand your own chest muscle tissue as well as the shoulder blade muscles and allow the upper body muscles to spread out.
c) - Breast enlargement foods (by modifying food intake):
First thing in the morning, drink two full glasses of water to flush out toxins from your body
It is important to note that food, by itself, cannot induce breast enlargement and growth. Some of the amino acids can help in enlarging the breasts without surgery.
What are amino acids enhanced breast enlargement?
The most important amino acids that are present in growth hormone are arginine, lysine, and glutamine. They have to be added into your daily supplements to speed up the breast growth rate, up to 300%.
Those amino acids, when combined with chest exercise to build chest muscle, will certainly help create perkiness and firmness in your breasts, without any surgery. There are other benefits you can get from taking these amino acids as they slow the aging process and help you burn fat faster by increasing your body’s metabolism.
Other foods that play a role are Green leaves and veggies like watery leaf, which are rich in Vitamin E, folic acid and Lucien. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient to help breast enlargement naturally. We can find these in:
a- Palmetto berry oil, used to reverse atrophy of the mammary glands.
b- Fennel seeds which offer extra mild estrogenic effects.
c- Chick peas, black eyed peas, kidney beans, Lima lentils, all have a high level of estrogen.
d) - Breast enlargement cream:
Do the products for natural breast enhancement really work?
It is possible to acquire enlarged breasts without surgery, but it must be done on a regular basis.
- Some herbal oils and supplements are powerful enough. Use them from 4 to 12 weeks and you will see a noticeable improvement in both firmness and cup size.
e) - Breast enlargement pills and cosmetic products:
- Many cosmetic products accelerate estrogen receptors in the breast tissue and can permanently increase the breast size.
- Some pills contain herbal additives with chemical substances called phytoestrogens, which play the same role as female sex hormones, the aim of the phytoestrogen is to give your body the same as if you are pregnant or just entering puberty. As a result, your body will start regenerating more breast volume, but it is not scientifically proved. Some studies show that most of us have not grown to our fullest potential during our puberty, due to many possible factors that cause hormonal nutrition deficiencies, high level of stress or lack of exercise.
However, taking the herbal supplements alone you cannot be able to grow 2 or 3 cup sizes.
Some herbal breast enlargement methods:
1- Fresh onion juice mixed with honey and turmeric power is said to do the trick. The mixture is used in massaging the breasts, then wear a bra throughout the day and over night before bathing.
2- Fenugreek, wild yam and yarrow, soy are said to boost a woman's estrogen level, naturally.
Constant sucking or caressing of the breasts, in African societies they believed that this may tend to help breasts grow larger, but it is not proven, scientifically.
In summary, one has to be careful when using natural products, as there is no guarantee that they will work and some of them may even be dangerous to your health, if taken without the care of a Doctor. And, what works for one woman may not work for another. Keep in mind that they are not supported by medical science.
2- Surgical Breast augmentation:
Which is known as augmentation mammoplasty is a surgical procedure to increase breast size in which implants are placed under the breast tissue or chest muscle, for some ladies, breast augmentation is a way to enhance self image and confidence for others its part of breast reconstruction after surgery for breast cancer.
Why is breast augmentation requested?
It may help you for:
1- You may feel your breasts are too small in size so augmentation will enhance breast appearance.
2- Reconstruct the breast after having breast surgery for cancer or other condition.
What are the risks from Breast implantation?
1- Scar tissue can distort the shape of the breast implant.
2- Breast pain.
3- Infection.
4-sensation in nipple and breast will change.
5- Implant leakage or rupture.
Correction of these complications, require additional surgery.
Breast Augmentation Surgical procedure:
1- Primary reconstruction:
Replacement tissue damaged by trauma (blunt, penetrating), disease like, breast cancer, or failed anatomic development.
2- Revision and reconstruction:
To correct the outcome of a previous breast reconstruction.
3- Primary augmentation:
Increase the size, form, and the way the breasts feel.
Incision types for Breast Augmentation:
1- Infra mammary:
Infra mammary fold incision, it is the preferred surgical technique for implanting silicone-gel implants, but it produces a thicker, slightly more visible surgical scar.
2- Border line incision in the periphery of the areola is difficult to place, but a less visible scar.
3- Trans auxiliary:
Incision is made to the axilla without producing a visible scar, but is placed either bluntly or with an endoscope.
4- Trans umbilical:
It is done from the umbilicus, more difficult for placement, but no visible scar will show on the breast.
Some important factors to consider before you decide to undergo surgery for breast augmentation:
1- Sagging breasts will not be improved by implants
2- Breast implants are not guaranteed to last a life time.
3- Mammograms may be more complicated, when you need to have this test done.
4- You may need routine MRI scans.
5- Breast implants may hamper breast feeding.
After the procedure for breast augmentation:
- Soreness, pain and swelling for few weeks.
- Follow the surgeon’s instructions about returning to regular activities. Avoid anything that could raise your heart rate or blood pressure for at least two weeks.
- If drainage tubes were inserted, they must be removed at a follow up appointment.
Keep your expectations realistic. Keep in mind that larger does not always mean better. What we want is tight, firm and flexible breasts.
Types of breast implants:
1- Saline implants which are filled with sterile saline solution.
2- Silicone implants.
3- Alternative composition implant with miscellaneous fillers (e.g. soy oil, polypropylene string).
Complications of breast implants:
1- Implant rupture:
The suspected mechanisms:
- Damage during implantation.
- Damage during other surgical procedure.
- Trauma.
- Chemical degradation of the implant shell.
- Mechanical pressure, mammographic breast examination.
2 -Platinum toxicity:
In very rare cases, toxicity may occur due to accumulation of platinum at nerve endings or bone marrow and may lead to blindness deafness and nerve trauma.
Breast Implantation and breast feeding:
Women with breast implants are able to breast feed, but difficulties could be faced, especially with mammoplasty that features a periareolar incision and sub glandular placement, surgery may damage the lactiferous ducts and nerves of the nipples and areola, making breast feeding difficult to impossible.
Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist