Dysmenorrhea. Causes and ways of treatment
What are the causes of menstrual pain?
Hormonal changes in the body after ovulation, which lead to the release of substances called prostaglandins, which are responsible for causing contractions in the uterus. During contractions in the uterine muscles, there is a momentary decrease in blood flow, which causes pain
Does menstrual pain indicate ovulation?
Yes, as there is no pain in menstrual cycles that do not have ovulation.
Is menstrual pain severe?
Not necessarily, menstrual pain ranges from bearable and responds to simple painkillers to severe and requires intramuscular or intravenous painkillers.
What is the classification of menstrual pain?
- Primary: Due to prostaglandins that are secreted physiologically
- Secondary: Due to diseases in the female reproductive system such as:
** Endometriosis
** Uterine fibroids
** Ovarian cysts
** Uterine wall hypertrophy (Adenomyosis)
** Pelvic vascular congestion
** Severe pelvic infections
How can menstrual pain be relieved?
- Using simple or strong painkillers (intramuscularly or intravenously)
- Using hormonal pills (such as birth control pills) that reduce the production of prostaglandins that cause menstrual pain
- Using a hormonal IUD
- Treating the secondary cause such as:
** Fibroid removal
** Cauterization or removal of endometriosis
** Treating infections
** Using treatments to relieve pelvic congestion and sometimes performing a catheterization of the blood vessels in the pelvis
** Removal of ovarian cysts
Does menstrual pain decrease with age?
Yes in some cases, and in other cases it may increase
Does menstrual pain decrease with pregnancy and childbirth?
Yes in some cases
Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist