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How to increase fertility for Men and Women for natural conception and IVF | increase IVF success rates | Dr N Layyous

Advice For Couples To Improve Chances of Pregnancy, Men And Women Guide to Preparing for IVF


We are committed to helping each couple optimize their chances for pregnancy in each cycle of treatment. It is well understood that treatment of infertility can be both costly and stressful emotionally. Trying to decrease or ease the stresses associated with treatment of infertility before starting ovarian stimulation has been shown to improve the chances of getting pregnant. Additionally, studies have shown that certain environmental exposures and lifestyle habits may affect fertility. To improve the chances for pregnancy, we recommend the following.

Instructions for the Male Partner To Increase Chances of Pregnancy:
  • Heat is damaging to sperm. The temperature of the testes should be 2c less than the body temperature. Wash the testicles in cold water 2-3 times daily.
  • Loose fitting pants and boxer shorts may be beneficial if you work or exercise in a warm environment, or if you sit for prolonged periods. Avoid nylon or wool underwear and use cotton underwear.

  • Avoid drinking more than one alcoholic beverage /day. increase alcohol consumption decreases male fertility .it also affects the sexual performance of the man . ( through affecting androgen level ).

  • Smoking decreases male fertility and may lower the number of egg's capability to be fertilized. Smokers should try to quit smoking. if possible. If it is not, try at least to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.
  • Decrease frequency of intercourse for long periods results in increasing the number of old sperms in the semen. Consequently, decreasing the number of sperms capable of fertilization. We advise having intercourse every three days at least.
  • When a man is affected by a disease, however, simple such as tonsillitis, it could result in lowering his sperm count, consequently, his sperm's ability to fertilize. Semen tests should be repeated in such cases.
  • Infections affecting the genitals can decrease count of the sperms, for example, Epididymitis or the Vas deferens could cause its blockage. Testicular infection ( orchitis ) results in the same outcome. If you have even mild symptoms, consult your doctor.
  • Some medicines affect the production of sperms and reduce the sperm count. Consult your doctor if you are taking any medication .
  • Avoidance of chemicals produced by factories and decrease exposure to them.
  • Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy affect's sperm production. Consult your doctor.
  • If you are using any medicine or herbs, please inform your doctor as it may interact with what the doctor prescribed for you
Instructions for the Female Partner To Increase Chances of Pregnancy:
  • Smoking decreases your chance of pregnancy and increases the incidence of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage and preterm labor, particularly in females over 35 years, we advice to stop smoking before your IVF treatment. Smoking should be stopped during pregnancy.
  • Avoid using alcohol before and during your IVF program. You should stop alcohol consumption completely during pregnancy.
  • If you are overweight, try dieting also exercise regularly as it helps improve the circulation this increasing your chances of pregnancy.
  • If you have very low weight, this may lead to have irregular periods or amenorrhea. Try to increase your weight to normal standards .
  • Avoid drinking large amount of coffee daily as it lowers rates of pregnancy. It is recommended not to have more than three cups daily.
  • If you are taking any medication, please inform your doctor. Some medicine might affect ovulation.
Instructions for the Couple To Increase Chances of Pregnancy
  • Some drugs may be harmful for male or female fertility, especially those not prescribed by doctors, tell your doctor to evaluate these drugs.
  • Several studies have shown that couples who have good emotional support have a higher pregnancy rate than couples who do not have this type of emotional support, Either from other infertile couples, friends, family members, or the Doctor. IVF can be very stressful.
  • Keep stress stress as low as possible before and during starting IVF program. Try to have a healthy lifestyle. Take a multivitamin-mineral supplement.
  • Avoid exposing skin to potentially toxic chemicals or breathing toxic fumes. e.g pesticides, paints, organic solvent's varnishes, glues, and heavy metals. Excessive application of perfume should also be avoided.
  • Regular intercourse ( every 3 days at least ) renewed the semen and result in better quality sperms.
  • having intercourse of pregnancy daily especially when the male is suffering from oligoasthenospermia .

Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2023-09-29 03:59:30
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