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5 Ways To Cope Up With Back Pain During Pregnancy | Dr N Layyous

5 Ways To Cope Up With Back Pain During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time when you are carrying a life within you. Although it is one of the most important moments for a couple, it comes with certain implications.
Due to the bulging of the abdominal area, you tend to carry a lot of weight on your midriff.
This not only puts excess stress on the back but can also cause it to suffer from back pain. Over the time as the baby grows during your pregnancy, the pain can even go on to become more severe.
Hence, dealing with back pain during pregnancy is a must for the woman.
Read on to know the causes and ways to cope with back pain during your pregnancy effectively.

Causes of the Back Pain

The body of a pregnant woman goes through a gradual gaining of weight.
This puts all the pressure on the spine. Besides, other significant reasons include hormonal changes, muscle separation near the pubic bone region and stress.
These factors can collectively bring about instability in the back and worsen the pain. Given below are the ways to treat this problem efficaciously.

Light Exercises

Although exercising during pregnancy may seem like a tough task, it is actually not, provided you indulge in light exercises. There is an ample number of exercises you can do to strengthen your back and increase resistance during pregnancy.
These include walking, stationary cycling, child’s pose, gentle pelvic tilts, and swimming. Not only will these exercises keep your spine well-functioning but will also ensure the buildup of your core.
Besides, these shall also facilitate the blood circulation in the affected area of the back.
As per a study, doing these exercises will definitely help you in both avoiding the back pain and preventing it from aggravation. Make sure you have a word with your doctor or a physical therapist about the ways to maintain the health of the back effectively.

Right Posture

The abdominal area grows bigger as the baby grows, thereby shifting the center of gravity forward. In order to avoid falling ahead, you may tend to bend your back backward to balance the body.
This can lead to a severe strain on your back and can perpetuate muscle cramps over time. Thus, it is imperative for you to maintain a good posture throughout the day whenever you can.
Key principles of an appropriate posture include the following

  • Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Try standing straight as much as possible.
  • Keep a comfortable wide stance when you stand.
  • When you sit, keep the back straight and support the back with a pillow behind the lower back.

These tips will prevent you not only from catching back pain but will gradually make your back more resistant.

Hot and Cold Therapy

In order to get an instant lower back pain relief, you must try applying cold packs. Take a cloth soaked in cold water or any other cold wrap and apply it on your back for a period of 20 minutes. This can be done around 4 times a day at regular intervals.
Performing this simple procedure shall help you lower the inflammation in your back and mitigate the strains by bringing about a reduction in the nerve impulses.
After having completed the cold therapy, it is now time to switch to the use of hot wraps. Give a gap of about two to three day between these for the maximum benefits.
The heat works wonderfully for the back by inhibiting the pain and invigorating the flow of blood throughout the back. Just keep in mind not apply heat to the abdominal area and ensure yourself a strengthened back.

Adequate Sleep

One thing you should not compromise on is sleep. No matter how busy you get or how many occasions you have to go for, sleeping for at least 6-7 hours a day is paramount for optimal health.
According to a study, sleep allows you to rejuvenate and ensure the strength of your joints and the back simultaneously during the period of pregnancy. Hence, indulge in a sufficient amount of sleep on a daily basis to not only effectuate cell regeneration and relieve the accumulated stress from the body naturally but also to boost the immune system.
Besides focusing on the ample amount of sleep, you should also be mindful of the posture you sleep in.
Sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees and keeping your spine straight while lying down shall go a long way in ensuring your back pain stays at bay.

Eat Pain-relieving Foods

Make balanced diet a priority during the pregnancy to ensure the health both of your child and yourself. Besides, there are certain nourishing foods you can inculcate in your diet to keep away the pain from the lower back.
Vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach and spices like turmeric and cinnamon have anti-inflammatory properties and heal the pain internally.
Apart from these, spring vegetables and foods such as sweet potatoes, beets, watermelons, and nuts also go a long way toward helping you cope up with the back pain.
These foods are known to diminish the inflammation of the back and provide toughness to the spine to endure the weight gain during pregnancy.
Thus, eat these foods regularly and observe a positive effect on your back in no time.
If your back pain gets severe and lasts for more than a couple of weeks, consult your doctor immediately.
However, if your back pain is at a preliminary stage or you tend to avoid it from happening in the future, do keep in mind these tips and imbibe them in your schedule.


This article was contributed by Sara O Brown


Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2023-09-29 06:21:56
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