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Anterior Placenta During Pregnancy - Everything You Need to Know

Anterior Placenta During Pregnancy - Everything You Need to Know


The gift of a child is the most precious thing any parent can ask for. And, when you are blessed with a child, your happiness knows no bounds. You have been blessed, with the most beautiful opportunity to care, to nurture and to raise an individual who makes you proud. However, waiting to hold your baby in your arms can be an unbelievably long wait. And, over the course of nine months, there are going to many ups and downs; morning sickness, regular checkups, and ultrasounds will be part of daily life. And one clinical term that you may hear during this time is an 'anterior placenta.' While, the condition doesn't risk your unborn baby and isn't something to worry about, most women do. What Anterior placenta means is that the placenta inside your womb is positioned on the front wall instead of the back wall. And here are some things to help ascertain if you have an anterior placenta and what you can do:


Normal Position Of The Placenta: The placenta helps the fetus in your womb to latch on to you and maintain constant nutrition. After fertilization, the embryo moves out of the fallopian tube and implants itself into the uterine wall. The placenta develops wherever the embryo embeds itself and ideally has four positions – posterior, anterior, fundal, and lateral. Sometimes, it ends up being on the anterior end of the womb and is known as the anterior placenta. The position of the placenta does not otherwise affect your baby's nutrition or health.


The Symptoms of a Problem: While anterior placenta is no reason to worry, it can induce more pain than a regular pregnancy. Increased uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, increased abdominal and back pain are typical symptoms of a potential placenta problem. You need to go for a check up in case you experience similar symptoms.


Is There Need For Delivery Variations: Cases of anterior placenta do not call for differences in delivery practices? However, if the anterior placenta has implanted downwards, towards your cervix instead of upwards, there is some cause for concern. The growing placenta can block your baby's passage during delivery, thereby making a c-section necessary. Also, an anterior placenta marked by lower position can sometimes make a c-section tricky since there are chances of excess bleeding. In such cases, your doctor will advise another ultrasound to ascertain where your placenta is and then figure how best to make the incision.


What Is Placenta Praevia: Sometimes, during the initial stages of pregnancy, the placenta can be positioned on the lower part of your uterus. The condition is called placenta praevia. During your pregnancy, the lower part of the uterus expands and eventually the placenta rest in a proper position.


What Is Placenta Accrete: If you have had a C-section earlier, the placenta from your current pregnancy may have started to grow on the site of your old scar. The condition can sometimes cause the placenta to grow into and through the uterine wall and is called placenta accreta. This is a rare condition.


So, if you have been worried about not having felt your baby kick or noticed its heart beat on your ultrasound, the anterior placenta may well be the reason. Remember; there is no need to panic as your baby is fine. Trust your doctor to make the best choice for your child's and your health. In the meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful glow from your pregnancy and the abundant pampering!


Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2023-09-11 10:16:09
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