Fetal growth restriction during pregnancy
What is fetal growth restriction during pregnancy?
It is when the fetus does not reach the size that matches its genetic potential.
It is worth noting that some fetuses are small because their genetic potential leads to their small size (the small size and measurements of the mother/father).
What are the causes of fetal growth restriction during pregnancy?
**Placental dysfunction
**Chronic maternal conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid problems
**Chromosomal problems
**Genetic problems
How do we diagnose fetal growth restriction during pregnancy?
**Small abdominal size compared to the calculated gestational age
**Fetal measurements on ultrasound are small compared to the calculated gestational age
How are pregnancies in which the fetus suffers from growth restriction managed?
** Ultrasound monitoring of the fetus (amniotic fluid, fetal blood flow, placental appearance, fetal brain blood flow)
** 4D scan to ensure fetal anatomical integrity
** Chromosomal/genetic testing if a defect is suspected
** Pulmonary maturation injections are administered in preparation for preterm delivery
** Periodic fetal heart rate monitoring through CTG
When is a fetus with intrauterine growth restriction delivered?
This depends on the follow-up results. Sometimes, we may have to deliver the baby early, but we try as much as possible to reach the 37th week of pregnancy.
How is a fetus with intrauterine growth restriction delivered?
The best way is by cesarean section, as the fetus is exhausted.
Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist