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Obesity and pregnancy

Obesity and pregnancy

Does obesity affect pregnancy in women?

High body mass index during pregnancy can lead to: miscarriages, intrauterine fetal death, recurrent miscarriage, gestational diabetes, birth of a large size baby (higher risk for cesarean section), and pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure.

What is the healthy rate of weight gain during pregnancy?

If your BMI is 25 to 29.9, you need to gain 7 to 11 kg.

 If your BMI is 30 or more, you need to gain 5 to 9 kg

What does this weight gain consist of?

• Fetal weight – 2.0-3.4 kg

• Placenta - 0.5 kg

• Amniotic fluid

• Increased uterine size - 1.1 kg

 • Chest weight gain -0.5-1.4 kg

• Increased blood volume -1.0-1.8 kg

• Increased body fat between 1.0 – 3.6 kg

The pattern of increase in weight during the nine months of pregnancy is usually as follows:

• From the first to third months: Most women do not gain weight, and if the weight increases, it is preferable that it does not exceed 0-2 kg.

• From the fourth to the ninth month: a stable increase in weight, which is very important for the growth of the fetus, at a rate of 1-2 kg/month.

 It is preferable to follow the following notes during pregnancy:

• Eat a variety of frequent small meals

• Drink fluids, especially water.

• Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

• Reduce sweets and fried foods as much as possible.

• Reduce fast food

•Eat proteins, such as all kinds of meat, eggs, dairy and their derivatives, and legumes.

• Eat foods rich in calcium, such as milk, yoghurts and cheese.

How do I protect myself from weight gain during pregnancy?

1. Start pregnancy at a healthy weight

2. Eat healthy during pregnancy

3. Drink enough water.

4. Start with a simple walking routine

5. Exercise during pregnancy

When does a pregnant woman's belly begin to appear?

By the twelfth week of pregnancy. The uterus continues to enlarge throughout pregnancy. It reaches the level of the umbilicus by the twentieth week and the lower edge of the rib cage by the thirty-sixth week

Is there a relationship between abdominal size and fetal weight?

There is no relationship between them

What causes a large belly in the first month of pregnancy?

The cause of abdominal bloating during pregnancy is due to high levels of the progesterone, which leads to relaxation of the muscles, including the muscles of the digestive system, so the digestion process takes a longer time, and this leads to bloating and cramps.

Is the lack of abdominal protrusion during pregnancy normal?

It depends on the position of the fetus, as the pregnant woman’s abdomen may sometimes appear smaller and in other cases slightly larger. It depends on the woman's height; The woman's height provides plenty of room for the fetus to grow slightly upward, giving the appearance of a smaller abdomen

How many kilograms does a woman lose immediately after giving birth?

A healthy loss is 1-1.5 kilos per week

Is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman decides to lose weight, she should do so in moderation, because it is not the right time to try a strict diet or an intense exercise program. It is preferable to speak with a doctor before starting an exercise program during pregnancy.

What is the appropriate diet for pregnant women?

Avoid fried foods and replace them with grilled ones.

 It is recommended to eat well-washed fruits and vegetables.

 Avoid starting a weight loss diet during pregnancy

Reducing salty food; as It causes fluid retention, which leads to high blood pressure

Does obesity affect fertility?

High BMI can harm a woman's fertility by inhibiting regular ovulation. The higher the body mass index, the longer it takes for pregnancy to occur. Some studies indicate that the higher the body mass index, the greater the chances of in vitro fertilization failure

Does being overweight prevent pregnancy?

Obesity is considered one of the most important factors that cause delayed pregnancy because it has a severe impact on women’s fertility

Does losing excess weight improve ovulation?


Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2023-12-12 14:01:57
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