Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy
Are ovarian cysts common during pregnancy?
What types of cysts form during pregnancy?
**Cysts may have been present before pregnancy.
**Cysts may have formed during pregnancy.
What is meant by an ovarian cyst that nourishes the pregnancy?
It is the remnant of the corpus luteum (which forms after the egg is released from the ovary), which secretes the hormone progesterone. Fluid accumulates within it, and it grows to a size of more than 3 centimeters. This cyst secretes progesterone until the 9th week of pregnancy, after which the placenta begins to secrete it.
Does the cyst that nourishes the pregnancy need to be removed?
No, quite the opposite. Removing it could lead to a miscarriage.
How is the cyst that nourishes the pregnancy treated?
It should be monitored on an ultrasound to ensure its size does not exceed 10 centimeters.
Does the cyst that nourishes the pregnancy disappear on its own?
Yes, it usually disappears spontaneously at the end of the third month of pregnancy.
When do we remove the cyst that nourishes the pregnancy?
If it is causing severe abdominal pain in the pregnant woman due to ovarian torsion or bleeding within the cyst or from the cyst wall.
What is the next step after removing the cyst that nourishes the pregnancy?
The patient is given progesterone supplements to replace the cyst's function.
What other types of cysts can we find on the ovary during pregnancy?
** Dermoid cyst
** Chocolate cyst (endometriosis)
** Mucinous cyst
** Cancerous tumors, which are rare
How are ovarian cysts removed during pregnancy if necessary (severe pain, bleeding, ovarian torsion)?
**Laparotomy for large cysts, advanced gestation, internal bleeding, or suspected cancer.
In some cases, cysts are removed during a cesarean section.