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Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

After any miscarriage, the woman waits with a lot of anxiety to get pregnant, meanwhile, a lot of attention and questions are raised about its establishment.

It is known that a woman’s fertility is not affected after a miscarriage, but it is adviced to get some rest at least for two months before trying to concieve.

Reasons for delayed pregnancy after miscarriage:

• remained products of conception

• infections

• Asherman’s syndrome (inta-uterine adhesions especially after evacuation )

procedures to be done after the miscarriage before trying to get pregnant,:

-blood tests

-Chromosomal examination

-The ultrasound as it will determine if there is a need for an MRI or dye, according to the doctor’s assessment.

Post-abortion advice

- Take your time to heal physically and mentally, and discuss with your doctor how much time your body needs before becoming pregnant again.

-stop smoking

-Maintaining BMI < 30

-keep any medical problem as DM , HTN under control

 -keep on healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains,

 -Reduce fried and fatty foods.

-Reduce caffeine

-Taking vitamins and nutritional supplements after consulting a doctor, such as folic acid and pre-pregnancy vitamins

Q : When should you see a doctor if pregnancy is delayed after a miscarriage?

A miscarriage is considered a new menstrual cycle, and the menstrual cycle should return to normal 4-8 weeks after the miscarriage. If you do not get your period within 8 weeks, you should see your doctor.

 If the miscarriage occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, you can wait one month to re-experience pregnancy, but it is preferable not to become pregnant during the first two months of the miscarriage to overcome the stage of hormonal imbalance.

Studies have shown that the risk of spontaneous miscarriage in a future pregnancy is about 20 percent after one miscarriage.

Q :What causes BHCG to be falsely high?

In some cases, there is a false positive test result, meaning that pregnancy hormone levels are high without the presence of an actual pregnancy, and these cases include: some types of cancer, such as breast cancer or lung cancer. Some medications that contain pregnancy hormones, especially medications to aid in pregnancy and endometriosis

Q: How do I know that the uterus is empty after an abortion ?

First, from the amount of blood upon leaving the hospital, if there is no bleeding, the uterus is usually clean, but it is preferable to have it checked by a doctor on an ultrasound a week after the bleeding stops.

Q: Is delayed pregnancy after miscarriage normal?

This is normal, as psychology may affect delayed pregnancy, and after a miscarriage a woman may feel depressed, anxious and stressed, so she must rest, avoid stress and anxiety, and prepare psychologically before trying to get pregnant.

Q: When does the cervix close after a miscarriage?

Within one to two weeks .

Q:What happens if the uterus is not empty after the abortion?

Uterine infections.

 Heavy bleeding..

Abdominal pain...

 Adhesions that may affect pregnancy later.

Q: Does the evacuation process after a miscarriage have a role in delayed pregnancy?

It generally does not affect future pregnancies, unless complications occur

Q:Does retained products of conception appear on the ultrasound?


Q:When does the body get rid of the pregnancy hormone after a miscarriage?

It remains for a period of 16-60 days, after which its levels decrease and cannot be detected by pregnancy tests, so taking a pregnancy test during this period may give a false positive result.

Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2023-10-07 15:41:59
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