Fifth Month Pregnancy - 5 months pregnant
5 months pregnant (Weeks 18-21)
18 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is now 15-16cm long, and weighs around 200gm.
- The baby is moving all around your uterus, and you may feel these movements.
- The ears are finally at their final position.
- The nerves are developing a protective sheath called myelin which continues to develop for 12 months after birth.
- The brain starts to process sounds that the ears are sending to it and the retinas are acquiring increased sensitive to light.
- The genitalia are obvious by this week, you can ask for a fetal anomaly scan to check that everything is ok with your baby
- You may experience an increase in your appetite so be careful about what you eat.
- The target weight gain for the second trimester is no more than 5.5 to 9kg.
- If you experience heartburn, try to take small meals, or drink peppermint, or chamomile tea.
- Do not stand up quickly because you may feel dizzy as your blood pressure will be lowered.
- The best position for sleep is at your side, because if you lie on your back, your uterus may press on your major blood vessels, and restrict venous return to the heart, so put a pillow behind you, or under one leg, (between legs).

18 Weeks Fetus
19 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is 17-18cm long, and 250gm in weight.
- Vernix caseosa is covering the body which is made from lanugo, dead skin cells, and oil all are important to protect your baby from the effect of amniotic fluid.
- The hair is now growing on the scalp.
- Milanocytes will be developing in the skin, and it will also provide color after birth.
- You may experience a few stabbing pains in your sides, which are caused by stretching ligaments that support your uterus, but if these pains become more persistent or severe, consult your doctor.
- Skin changes occur due to extra estrogen, you may notice red palms, and chloasma nipples are darker.
- You may feel breathlessness, but don’t worry.
- You may notice blurring of vision, which is due to water retention. It usually disappears after birth, and exercise will help in getting rid of it.

20 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is 19-20cm long, and 310gm in weight.
- Permanent second teeth are forming behind the milk teeth.
- Your baby is busy in meconium formation which is a harmless mixture of amniotic fluid, digestive secretions, and dead skin cells; all of these accumulate in the baby's bowels, and is excreted in the first nappy.
- Your uterus now is at the level of your umbilicus.
- Try to eat iron rich foods, like red meat, prunes, green leafy vegetables, and soya products because it is necessary for red blood cell formation.
- Avoid using cleaning products because it may contain harmful chemicals.

21 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is 21-22cm long, and 360gm in weight.
- If you have a girl, her vagina will start to form.
- You may remain awake all through the night because of your moving baby.
- You may experience varicose veins, swollen ankles, and so exercise regularly and elevate your legs and feet and wear maternity stockings which will relieve you.
- You may notice acne is increased, because oil production is increased in pregnancy, so use oil free makeup, and avoid acne medication.
- Book to have antenatal massage to relieve stress.

Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist