Third Month Pregnancy - 3 months pregnant
3 months pregnant (Weeks 9-13)
9 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby has the size of an olive, 30mm in length.
- It is now called a fetus no longer an embryo.
- His fingers and toes are getting longer. Although the digit will still fused together.
- His facial features is more obvious, his iris is formed but his eyelids still fused till 26 weeks.
- His external ears are formed but his internal ears are filled with fluid.
- His digestive system starts to form and also his diaphragm which allows him to breath and hiccup.
- You may experience more headache and migraine during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
- Your breast may be enlarged and its veins are more visible, you nipples are darkened, so you may need to increase your bra size in order to fit your breast.
- You may crave for non food so avoid toxic materials.
- You may gain 1-2 IB/week, but don’t be worried keep on eating healthy food, exercise right, drink enough water and vitamin C rich fluid (avoid sugary fluid).
- You may notice spotting any time during pregnancy so consult your doctor because it may be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
- You may get urinary tract infection very easy during pregnancy as you have a higher level of progesterone which cause relaxation of the tubules of your kidney and cause stagnation of urine and by that it will form a suitable environment for bacterial growth.

10 Weeks Pregnancy
Your baby is 33 mm in length, and he will double in size in the next three weeks.
- His vital organs start to function.
- He will have the first bowel movement, and his reflexes start to develop.
- his skull’s bone will start to ossify but it still flexible to accommodate the growing brain.
- The placenta starts to grow and supply the baby’s need.
- You may start to feel some cramps in the abdomen due to the stretching ligaments in your pelvis, which are relieved by mild analgesia and rest.
- You may suffer from bleeding gums because your progesterone makes the gums swollen and fragile, so care about your dental hygiene.

11 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is 35 mm in length.
- His head and body are equal in size.
- He can kick, stretch and clench his fists although you may not feel him.
- Fingers and toes webbing now disappear.
- Tooth buds start to form.
- His intestine will move back to his abdomen by this week.
- Your pregnancy symptoms will subside but don’t worry. you will have more energy but you may start to have constipation and heart burn.
- Your baby will start to react with you so try to relax, listen to happy relaxing music, think with happy thoughts.

12 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is 6cm in length
- His head is 1/3 of the size of the body but the growth of the brain slow down so that the rest of the body can catch growth later
- He is now breathing using the amniotic fluid
- His kidney is excreting uterine into the amniotic fluid which will be then breathed in uterine is harmless so don’t worry
- Now you can feel you uterus above the level of pubic bone.
- You may experience heart burn because of your progesterone which relaxes the gastro-esophageal valve and by this gastric Juice will regurge back to the esophagus, so try to eat smaller meals and avoid spicy food.
- By this week you should have you 1st fetal anomaly scan by doing the nuchal translucency scan to rule out trisomies if it was abnormal you will be advised to undergo further testing.

13 Weeks Pregnancy
- Your baby is now 1 ounce in weight, and 8cm in length.
- Vocal cords and teeth will start to from, his ears are now developed so you baby is hearing you so start to communicate with him
- His bone marrow starts to from white blood cells in order to be ready to fight infection after birth.
- His intestine continues moving back to his tummy.
- His skin starts to be covered with tiny hair.
- The baby now can swallow and hiccup, but the sucking action won’t be recognized till 18 -20 weeks
- You will be more energetic so keep your healthy diet and exercise regularly.
- Your breast may starts to from colostrum in preparation for feeding you baby

Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist