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Stress during pregnancy

Stress during pregnancy

Psychological stress is considered to be a disease that negatively affects human health.

Psychological stress during pregnancy is one of the most important reasons for the deterioration of the mother’s health.

What is the definition of psychological stress?

It is a state of anxiety and tension resulting from exposure to a difficult situation, and it is a natural response that prompts us to face

challenges and threats in our lives.

what is the physiological response to psychological stress?

- Increased heart rate
- Hypertension
- Increased respiratory rate
- Feeling tired and nauseous
- Diarrhea
- Increase appetite for food
- Loss of appetite for food with weight loss
- headache
- Inability to sleep

What hormones rise during psychological stress?
- Adrenaline
- Cortisone

What is the effect of psychological stress on pregnant women?
- Miscarriage
- Premature birth
- low birthweight

Does psychological stress during pregnancy affect the future of the child?
Some studies have proven that psychological stress during pregnancy may lead to difficulty concentrating
 during childhood and some psychological/mental problems. It also increases the risk of allergic diseases
 and asthma in the child.
What are the causes of psychological stress during pregnancy?
- financial problems
- social problems
- pregnancy after many years of infertility
- Family-related issues
- Domestic violence
- Abuse of drugs and alcohol
- The mother suffers from chronic psychological problems such as depression and chronic anxiety
- The pregnancy is not wanted

What are the possible ways to deal with psychological stress during pregnancy?
- Providing psychological/social/family support
- Do moderate exercise
- Adhere to a healthy, balanced diet and compensate for vitamin deficiencies
- Finding the cause of psychological stress and trying to get rid of it (solving the problem)
- breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises
- Practicing yoga and meditation
- In severe cases, medications are given to help with psychological relaxation and are safe during pregnancy

In cases of psychological stress resulting from pregnancy after many years of infertility, the doctor may
 resort to intensifying visits to the patient to reassure her about the fetus on a regular basis.
Is psychological stress during pregnancy limited to the mother only?
No, it includes the father as well, and helping the father during his wife’s pregnancy may relieve
psychological pressure on his wife as well.
Dr Najeeb Layyous F.R.C.O.G

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist

Last Update: 2024-05-08 12:40:33
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