هذا تقريريو وفحصوات الدم والهرمون طبيعية this lady diagnosed case of hypogonathropic hypogonadism with normal chromosomal stady
she was having amenorrhea till age 20 followed by scanty withdrawal bleeding
the abdominal and pelvic ultra sound showed both kidneys are normal in size and texture no focal or diffuse pathology was seen .uterus was difficult to visulaize in different planes both overies are normal in size and texture normal liver ,gall bladder , spleen ,pancreas
laproscopy was done and finding were large urethra .No vaginal orifice seen (atertic vagina
on extrnal examination .two uteruses ( didylphes ) with the left larger than right , attached to two healthy looking fallopian tube .and both ovaries are normal urologist was called and his finding were as the following
normal urethral meatus but wide the sphincteric action is good Cystoscopy was done and showed normal bladder and both ureteric ostia
are nornal ,postoperative recovery was uneventful
the patient make cytogram showed normal filling and empty wall no connection to the vagina