مرحبا دكتور باليوم الثامن من الدورة عملت سونار داخلي وكانت نتيجته:
U/S of pelvis TVU
*normal size a/v uterus, endometrial thickness 5mm, empty cavity, no s.o.l
both ovaries show feature of p.c.o. with single dominant follicle of 10mm seen at Lt. ovary
no free fluid is seen
شكراا مقدمااا دكتور
U/S of pelvis TVU
*normal size a/v uterus, endometrial thickness 5mm, empty cavity, no s.o.l
both ovaries show feature of p.c.o. with single dominant follicle of 10mm seen at Lt. ovary
no free fluid is seen
شكراا مقدمااا دكتور