activate the oluvation

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New member
is it important for the increase the chance to get baby boy to take medecations to activate the ovulaion , or if the ovulation is normal no need for the drugs. and its enough to take injection to get the ova out from the ovareys. thanks ,
Dear sir or madam

Even if ovaries & ovulation is normal you can take medication for ovulation induction &rupture of follicles to increase the chance to get ababy boy bec. the chance is reduced due to less days of intercourse required
i want to get ababy boy but iam sceard to take the injection to activate my ovarey becouse i dont want to get a twiens becouse iam sceared that the twiens will be a girls . what is my chance to get twiens if i get the ova activation injecton . and what you advise me to do if i want a boy but not a twins of girls . i started on diet ,chineese calender and i have appointment with my doctor for ultrasound and rupture of the follicle to timed the intercourse .. is it still important to take the ovarey activation injections. thank s for your help.
Dear Madam

What you have done is ok if you dont want to have twins but the percentage of pregnancy will be lower
hi doctor
why the percentage of getting pregnant will be low if i dont take the ovulation activation injection. thanks.
Dear Madam

Because the percentage of pregnancy increase with the number of follicles produced by the ovaries as a result of taking injections